Monday, November 14, 2011

Late Night Computer Lab Assistant

So, I started my new job today: Computer Lab Assistant

My working hours next semester will probably be 4am-8am. This is a bit early for me to start my day, but I think it will work out.

However, on the first day of work, I already find myself wishing I could drift asleep, at 3:31am. I've noticed that I often check my phone, in hopes that my friend has text me. But, she's been asleep for over 2 hours... I've began to space out and day dream of what I think of most. As always, time begins to pass.

As I'm now reaching the end of my first shift, I start to realize that this job will allow me plenty of time to think. My thinking will take plenty of time.

Getting ready to leave, I'll sign out...


Terribly Tired Tyler

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