Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'm writing this as I'm on duty, working in the computer lab. There isn't much to do and I always find a reason to avoid doing my school work when I should. So, here I find myself, writing...

It's been a long day. The day has been followed by a long night. I've a pretty strong feeling that the next 2 weeks will blur together, as final exams approach and I'm forced to finish up my projects.

However, the end justifies the means, because I'm really looking forward to the coming break. Winter will offer me 3 weeks of relaxation, fun and, I'm sure, fond memories. I'm hoping that I get to meet the family of a close friend. I'm curious to see how different or similar they all are :) It would be great.

This Christmas will be the first, in nearly 22 years, that I haven't been with my family. I'm going to miss them...

I've to work... Ugh...

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